United Nations

Pay by dodo

A historic collaboration between the private sector and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).

The Brief

An ethical fintech ecosystem

Driven by Regional Office for Eastern Africa of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), this historic collaboration between the private sector and UNODC; in conjunction with the Government of Mauritius has paved the way in the creation of an ethical fintech ecosystem which supports the 2030 Agenda. This pilot programme is set to meet the highest international standards of governance and serve to support the UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) # 17.

The Solution

Electric money institution

UNODC has been instrumental in guiding this highly complex and crucial initiative, with the Government of Mauritius, its Economic Development Board and the Central Bank of Mauritius. Pannovate, the key private sector partner building and providing the technology for the Electronic Money Institution pilot program, is an award-winning and established digital solutions provider for the financial services sector with clients in four continents. Given a wealth of experience and a comprehensive understanding of the impact regulatory change, Pannovate is well placed to support this ambitious project.

I’m humbled and very pleased to see that, after a year of intense and hard work, the first significant pilot program will be launched under the guidance of the UNODC Regional Office for Eastern Africa which is mandated to align with the SDGs as well as meet the highest internationally recognised standards promoted by the Government of Mauritius and relevant regulatory bodies. The deployment of this innovative initiative will be delivered with efficiency and at pace with our trusted and proven private sector partners.
Amado Philip de Andrés
Regional Representative for Eastern Africa, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime


A robust and ethical fintech ecosystem

I’m honoured and proud to support both the UN in its sustainable development initiative and the Government of Mauritius with this amazing programme. UNODC has played a vital part in gaining alignment across a diverse range of stakeholders to inspire and spearhead the launch of this critical fintech programme.

Pavle Ljujic
CEO & Founder, Pannovate

Pay by Dodo Ltd. is proud to work with knowledgeable and experienced partners to deliver this state-of-the-art payments product for Mauritius. We are committed to meeting the highest international standards to deliver a robust and ethical fintech ecosystem, that will be recognised as cutting edge in terms of ethics and the use of technology to support the next level of governance and regulatory oversight.
Adam Linton
CEO & Founding Partner, Pay By Dodo

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